Single Use

After enjoying a dinky sorbet, at a vast English Heritage site, I kept the plastic tub, partly as a happy reminder, partly as it was useful.

Ten years on, the ‘single use’ plastic tub is still going strong, as a coffee granule container that travels to work with me, while purpose designed reusable containers have been and gone.

At English Heritage the tubs have all been replaced by cardboard, as a sustainable option and I can see why – there is an argument that despite my re-use I’m just delaying the inevitable of my tub going to landfill.

But I shall keep it going, pleasantly surprised by its continued strength, quality and air-tight properties, while noting how many of the ‘reusable’ ‘eco-friendly’ options are already in a landfill or disintegrated after single use causing use of further resources in their replacement.

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1 Response to Single Use

  1. Harma says:

    The grandchildren of your grandchildren, if you have them, will be using this same family heirloom and cherish it forever! Long live ( living )plastics!!

    i wash plastic bags and reuse them time after time.

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